Get 52 Weeks of Wealth Education
Save 80% and Get a 2 Hour Video Training For FREE Today! [Full Value: $1540] 
Get a year-long education unlike anything you've ever seen before with the Weekly Wealth Report! 
You're not wealthy but it's not your fault! 

The wealthy are given information and strategies that are totally different than the advice that we've received. 

Up until now we've been playing checkers while the wealthy have been playing chess. But starting today, everything changes for your family. 

Everyone expects to get rich quick but they can't! The secret to true and lasting wealth generation is formed in three parts: 

1) Wealth Education
2) Wealth Strategy
3) Wealth Mindset

After working with families outside of the black community that were required to have a minimum net worth of 5 Million dollars and above, expert Amelia Thomas wants to bring this three part strategy to the black community with her new Weekly Wealth Report. 

The Weekly Wealth Report is a comprehensive 52 week guide to improve your wealth education, strategy and mindset with one of Black America's top experts. 

You'll receive a new digital newsletter in PDF format each week via email. Each issues contains detailed financial information, expert interviews and wealth education to take you and your family to the next level.
I Also Want To Give You Another Tool To Help You On Your Journey As You Evolve Into The Money Expert You Need To Become...
FREE Bonus ($500 Value)
Video Training: Stop Dreaming & Start Executing: The Nitty Gritty on Building Your Legacy and Wealth Structure Now
You'll get FREE access to a two hour live training with Amelia Thomas where she breaks down the nitty gritty on finally building your legacy and wealth structure. The cost to get inside of this room and hear Ms. Thomas speak was $500 but today you'll get to secretly join the conversation for FREE! 

In this training Ms. Thomas shares:
  • ​5 Secret Strategies Wealthy Families Use That You'll Never Be Told
  • ​What You Need to Know About The Current Tax Cuts and Jobs Act So You Can Take Advantage Like The Wealthy Do (If you don't know what these are don't worry, you'll learn in this training.)
  • ​5 Steps to Get Started Immediately!
Get 52 Week - Weekly Wealth Report for just $199 that's 80% Off (Full Value $1,040) and We'll Add the 2 Hour Video Training For FREE!
About Amelia Thomas
About Amelia Thomas
Amelia Thomas is a financial planner who specializes in the planning and wealth management for owners of small to mid-sized businesses using strategies and techniques that are typically reserved for billionaire clientele. A native of Montgomery, Alabama, Amelia has been actively working within the world of finance for over 15 years and has had the privilege to not only work as a planner, but to also build wealth management programs for other financial institutions. 

Amelia’s passions lie in assisting families with creating, implementing and maintaining legacy building frameworks that will carry the family wealth forward for the next 200 years. She has a dedicated “money team” that includes attorneys, CFP’s, CPA’s and other qualified professionals to ensure that one, cohesive strategy is implemented to grow and protect her clients assets.

Amelia earned a B.S. in Business Administration in Finance from Alabama State University and a M.S. in Financial Planning from Kansas State University. She holds 11 licenses that provide her with the ability to create and manage investment portfolios but to also supervise the financing deals of stadiums, toll bridges and even, initial public offerings. Last, she believes in the “pay it forward” mantra and actively works to eliminate the “illusion of inclusion” regarding the use of black businesses in local government and corporate contracting.

Amelia Thomas
The total value of the Weekly Wealth Report and the 2-hour Video Training: Stop Dreaming & Start Executing is $1540...but they're yours today for only $199 when you act now!
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For Just $199! [Full Value: $1540]
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